Prometheus and Grafana Monitoring

Imagine Kubernetes as a complex machine with many parts working together. To ensure this machine operates smoothly, two essential tools come into play: Prometheus and Grafana.

Prometheus is like the machine's sensor system. It constantly checks and measures the performance and health of different parts of the Kubernetes machine. Think of it as a vigilant monitor, always gathering data on how well each component is functioning, whether it's overheating, or running perfectly.

Grafana then acts as the machine's dashboard. It takes the detailed readings from Prometheus and displays them in an easy-to-understand, visually appealing way. Grafana is like a control panel that shows you, at a glance, the status of the Kubernetes machine – through graphs, dials, and indicators.

Together, Prometheus and Grafana form an excellent maintenance duo for Kubernetes. They help you keep a close eye on your system, spot potential issues early, and make informed decisions to keep the machine running efficiently. They're indispensable for ensuring that your digital machinery continues to operate smoothly, preventing breakdowns and ensuring optimal performance. Microk8s has an add on for both of these:

microk8s enable observability

microk8s will enable both Prometheus and Grafana. Grafana is better viewed through some specific Kubernetes dashboards.

We have been our own slightly modified dashboard you can download its json here

Alternatively check out this github with some really cool dashboards to check out.

Last updated